Guide to the Photograph Collection
Restrictions on Access
Use of the originals is restricted. This collection is available as color digital facsimiles (see links below).
This collection consists primarily of portraits of American abolitionists collected by writer Francis Jackson Garrison. Also included are images of British abolitionists, as well as American opponents of abolition.
Collection Description
This collection consists of portraits of American abolitionists collected by writer Francis Jackson Garrison to accompany his biography of William Lloyd Garrison. The collection also contains images of British abolitionists, as well as American opponents of abolition. The portraits include paper photographs, tintypes, engravings, lithographs, and photomechanical reproductions, dating between 1850 and 1890. Most of the photographers and artists are unidentified.
In "A Catalogue of Portraits of American Abolitionists and of Their Allies and Opponents in the United States and in Great Britain and Ireland, 1831-1865" (located in Box 1), Francis Jackson Garrison describes the collection as follows: "This collection of portraits includes not only a large number of the active participants in the struggle for the abolition of slavery in the United States who appear in the pages of the four-volume Life of William Lloyd Garrison, but a multitude of others not named therein who were no less zealous and devoted laborers in the cause. Their opponents, northern and southern, are also well represented."
Photographs are arranged alphabetically by subject.
Acquisition Information
Donor unknown.
Restrictions on Access
Use of the originals is restricted. This collection is available as color digital facsimiles (see links below).
Other Formats
This collection is available as color digital facsimiles.
Name Index
Expand allNote: This index lists all of the portraits in this collection. Click on the photograph numbers to see digital images.
"A Catalogue of Portraits of American Abolitionists and of Their Allies and Opponents in the United States and in Great Britain and Ireland, 1831-1865," by Francis Jackson Garrison
This volume lists the individuals in the collection by category, including "Garrisonian Abolitionists," "British and Foreign Abolitionists," "Women's Rights Leaders," "Fugitive Slaves," and many others. The categories were created by Francis Jackson Garrison. The text of this volume is reproduced in the Subject Index below.
Adams, Charles Francis (1807-1886).
Adams, Charles Francis (1807-1886).
Adams, John (1735-1826).
Adams, John Quincy (1767-1848).
Adams, William (1790-1868).
Albright, Arthur.
Alcott, Amos Bronson (1799-1888).
Aldrich, James M.
Allen, James M.
Allen, Richard (1803-1886).
Allen, William T. (d. 1883).
Ames, Charles Gordon (1828-1912).
Andrew, John Albion (1818-1867).
Andrew, John Albion (1818-1867).
Andrew, John Albion (1818-1867).
Andrew, John Albion (1818-1867).
Andrews, Stephen Pearl (1812-1886).
Anthony, Henry (1801-1879).
Anthony, Susan B. (1820-1906).
Anthony, Susan B. (1820-1906).
Appleton, Daniel F.
Appleton, James (1785-1862).
Armstrong, Samuel Chapman (1839-1893).
Ashby, Jane.
Atchison, David Rice (1807-1886).
Atherton, Charles G. (1804-1853).
Austin, Anna.
Austin, Isaac.
Bacon, Leonard, Sr. (1802-1881).
Bailey, Gamaliel, Jr. (1807-1859).
Ballou, Adin (1803-1890).
Ballou, Adin (1803-1890).
Ballou, Adin (1803-1890).
Banks, Nathaniel P. (1816-1894).
Barker, Thomas H.
Barney, Eliza.
Barney, Nathaniel (d. 1869).
Barney, Nathaniel (d. 1869).
Bearse, Austin (1808-1881).
Bearse, Olive Crosby.
Beecher, Catharine Esther (1800-1878).[]
Beecher, Henry Ward (1813-1887).
Beecher, Henry Ward (1813-1887).
Beecher, Henry Ward (1813-1887).
Beecher, Henry Ward (1813-1887).
Beecher, Henry Ward (1813-1887).
Beecher, Lyman (1775-1863).
Bennett, James Gordon (1795-1872).
Benson, George William (1808-1879).
Benton, Thomas Hart (1782-1858).
Bernard, Simon.
Birney, James Gillespie (1792-1857).
Blackwell, Antoinette L. Brown (1825-1921).
Blagden, George Washington, Sr. (1802-1884).
Blair, Montgomery (1813-1883).
Blanchard, Fanny.
Blanchard, George A.
Bloomer, Amelia Jenks (1818-1894).
Borchardt, Louis.
Borden, Nathaniel B. (1801-1865).
Bourne, George (1780-1845).
Bourne, George (1780-1845).
Bowditch, Henry Ingersoll (1808-1892).
Bowditch, Henry Ingersoll (1808-1892).
Bradburn, George (1806-1880).
Bradburn, George (1806-1880).
Bradburn, George (1806-1880).
Breckinridge, Robert J. (1800-1871).
Briggs, George Nixon (1796-1861).
Bright, Jacob.
Bright, John (1811-1889).
Brooke, Samuel (1808-1889).
Brooke, Samuel (1808-1889).
Brougham, Henry (1778-1868).
Included is an unidentified grandson of Brougham.
Brown, Antoinette L. (1825-1921).
Brown, David Paul.
Brown, David Paul.
Brown, Gould.
Brown, Hiram.
Brown, Hiram.
Brown, John (1800-1859).
Brown, John (1800-1859).
Brown, Moses (1738-1836).
Brown, Moses (1738-1836).
Brown, Nicholas.
Brown, William Wells (1814-1884).
Brownlow, William Gannaway (1805-1877).
Bryant, William Cullen (1794-1878).
Bryant, William Cullen (1794-1878).
Bryce, James (b. 1838).
Buchanan, James (1791-1868).
Buchanan, James (1791-1868).
Buffum, Arnold (1782-1859).
Buffum, Arnold (1782-1859).
Buffum, Arnold (1782-1859).
Buffum, Arnold (1782-1859).
Buffum, James N. (1807-1887).
Buffum, James N. (1807-1887).
Buffum, James N. (1807-1887).
Buffum, Rebecca Gould.
Burleigh, Charles Calistus (1810-1878).
Burleigh, Charles Calistus (1810-1878).
Burleigh, Charles Calistus (1810-1878).
Burleigh, Charles Calistus (1810-1878).
Burleigh, Cyrus Moses (1820-1855).
Burleigh, George S. (1821-1903).
Burleigh, William Henry (1812-1871).
Burritt, Elihu (1810-1879).
Butler, Josephine E.
Byron, Anne Isabella Milbanke.
Calhoun, John C. (1782-1850).
Carey, Matthew (1760-1839).
Carpenter, Joseph.
Carpenter, Joseph.
Included is an unidentified African American child.
Carpenter, Mary (1807-1877).
Carpenter, Philip P. (1819-1877).
Cass, Lewis (1782-1866).
Chace, Elizabeth Buffum (1806-1899).
Chace, Elizabeth Buffum (1806-1899).
Chace, Elizabeth Buffum (1806-1899).
Chace, Elizabeth Buffum (1806-1899).
Included is her granddaughter Elizabeth Caroline "Bessie" Cheney (1875-1961) as a child.
Chace, Samuel B.
Chace, William.
Chace, William M. (1814-1862).
Chalmers, Thomas (1780-1847).
Chamerovzow, Louis Alexis.
Channing, William Ellery (1780-1842).
Channing, William Henry (1810-1884).
Channing, William Henry (1810-1884).
Chapman, Maria Weston (1806-1885).
Chapman, Maria Weston (1806-1885).
Chapman, Maria Weston (1806-1885).
Chapman, Maria Weston (1806-1885).
This item is missing from the collection.
Chase, Benjamin.
Chase, Salmon Portland (1808-1873).
Chase, Salmon Portland (1808-1873).
Cheney, Oren B. (1816-1903).
Chesson, Frederick William (1833-1888).
Child, David Lee (1794-1874).
Child, David Lee (1794-1874).
Child, David Lee (1794-1874).
Child, Lydia Maria (1802-1880).
Child, Lydia Maria (1802-1880).
Child, Lydia Maria (1802-1880).
Child, Lydia Maria (1802-1880).
Church, Jefferson.
Claflin, Jehiel.
Clapham, James.
Clark, Alexander.
Clark, Helen P. Bright.
Clark, William S. (1826-1886).
Clarke, George L.
Clarke, James Freeman (1810-1888).
Clay, Cassius Marcellus (1810-1903).
Clay, Henry (1777-1852).
Clay, Henry (1777-1852).
There is no Photo #81.155 in this collection.
Coates, Edwin H.
Coates, [Deborah Simmons Coates].
The subject was previously misidentified as Emmeline Coates.
Coates, Lindley (1794-1856).
Cobb, Howell (1815-1868).
Cobden, Richard (1804-1865).
Coffin, Joshua (1792-1864).
Coffin, Joshua (1792-1864).
Coffin, Joshua (1792-1864).
Coleman, Eben.
Collins, Charles H.
Collins, John A. (b. 1810).
Collins, John A. (b. 1810).
Collins, John A. (b. 1810).
Collins, John A. (b. 1810).
Collins, Rebecca Pool.
Collyer, Robert (1823-1912).
Conway, Moncure Daniel (1832-1907).
Cooper, Joseph.
Corwin, Thomas (1794-1865).
Corwin, Thomas (1794-1865).
Coues, Samuel Elliott (1797-1867).
Cowen, Joseph, Jr. (b. 1831).
Cox, Hannah Pierce (1797-1876).
Cox, John.
Craft, Ellen (b. 1826).
Crandall, Prudence (1803-1890).
Crandall, Prudence (1803-1890).
Crandall, Prudence (1803-1890).
Crittenden, John J. (1787-1863).
Crosfield, William (1805-1881).
Crosfield, [Eliza Ryley].
Curtis, Benjamin R. (1809-1874).
Curtis, George William (1824-1892).
Cushing, Caleb (1800-1879).
Dall, Caroline Healey (1822-1912).
Dargan, John J.
Darlington, Chandler.
Darlington, Hannah.
Davis, Andrew Jackson (b. 1826).
Davis, Edward Morris (1811-1887).
Davis, Jefferson (1808-1889).
Davis, Maria Mott (b. 1818).
Davis, Paulina Wright (1813-1876).
Davis, Paulina Wright (1813-1876).
Included is an unidentified child.
Davis, Paulina Wright (1813-1876).
Davis, Thomas (b. 1806).
Dickinson, Anna E. (1842-1932).
Dickinson, Anna E. (1842-1932).
Dickinson, Anna E. (1842-1932).
Dodge, Joshua G. (1813-1904).
Included is an unidentified child.
Donaldson, A. M.
Donaldson, A. M.
Donaldson, Thomas.
Donaldson, Thomas.
Douglas, Stephen A. (1813-1861).
Douglass, Frederick (1818-1895).
Douglass, Frederick (1818-1895).
Dow, Neal (1804-1897).
Draper, Ebenezer D. (1813-1887).
Draper, [Anna Thwing].
Dresser, Amos (b. 1812).
Dresser, [Adeline Smith].
Earle, John Milton.
Earle, Mary.
Earle, Thomas (1796-1849).
Eddy, Eliza Frances.
Elder, William.
Eliot, William Greenleaf (1811-1887).
Emerson, Ralph Waldo (1803-1882).
Endicott, William, Jr. (b. 1826).
Estlin, John Bishop (1785-1855).
Estlin, John Bishop (1785-1855).
Estlin, Mary A. (1820-1902).
Estlin, Mary A. (1820-1902).
Estlin, Mary A. (1820-1902).
Estlin, Mary A. (1820-1902).
Everett, Edward (1794-1865).
Fairbanks, Asa.
Fairbanks, [Anna Talbot Richmond].
Farnsworth, Amos (1788-1861).
Fessenden, Samuel (1784-1869).
Fessenden, Samuel (1784-1869).
Fessenden, William Pitt.
Fields, James T. (1817-1881).
Finney, Charles Grandison.
Fish, William H.
Fisk, Photius.
Follen, Charles (1796-1840).
Follen, Charles (1796-1840).
Follen, Charles (1796-1840).
Follen, Eliza Lee (1787-1860).
Forbes, John Murray (1813-1898).
Forbes, John Murray (1813-1898).
Foss, Andrew T.
Foster, Abby Kelley (1811-1887).
Foster, Abby Kelley (1811-1887).
Foster, Abby Kelley (1811-1887).
Foster, Abby Kelley (1811-1887).
Foster, Stephen Symonds (1809-1881).
Foster, Stephen Symonds (1809-1881).
Fox, William J. (1786-1864).
Franklin, Benjamin (1706-1790).
Fremont, John Charles (1813-1890).
Frissell, Amasa C.
Frothingham, Octavius Brooks (1822-1895).
Fry, Elizabeth (1780-1845).
Furness, William Henry (1802-1896).
Furness, William Henry (1802-1896).
Fussell, Bartholomew (1794-1871).
Gage, Frances Dana (1808-1884).
Gannett, Ezra Stiles (1801-1871).
Gardner, Anna.
Gardner, Oliver C.
Garrett, Thomas (1789-1871).
Garrett, Thomas (1789-1871).
Garrett, Thomas (1789-1871).
Garrison, William Lloyd (1805-1879).
Garrison, William Lloyd (1805-1879).
Garrison, William Lloyd (1805-1879).
Garrison, William Lloyd (1805-1879).
The original photograph from which this image is reproduced is very dark, so the image is faint.
Gates, Seth Merrill (1800-1877).
Gay, Elizabeth Neall (1819-1907).
Gay, Sydney Howard (1814-1888).
Gay, Sydney Howard (1814-1888).
Gibbons, Abigail Hopper (1801-1893).
Gibbons, James Sloan (1810-1892).
Giddings, Joshua Reed (1795-1864).
Giddings, Joshua Reed (1795-1864).
Giddings, Joshua Reed (1795-1864).
Giddings, Joshua Reed (1795-1864).
Giddings, Joshua Reed (1795-1864).
Giddings, Joshua Reed (1795-1864).
Giddings, L. Maria.
Giles, William B.
Gladstone, William Ewart (b. 1809).
Goodell, William (1792-1878).
Goodell, William (1792-1878).
Goodell, William (1792-1878).
Greeley, Horace (1811-1872).
Green, Beriah (1795-1874).
Green, William, Jr. (1796-1881).
Grew, Henry (1781-1862).
Grew, Henry (1781-1862).
Grew, Henry Sturgis (1834-1910).
Grew, Mary.
Grew, Mary.
Grew, Mary.
Grew, Mary.
Grew, Mary.
Grew, Mary.
Griffith, Martha.
Griffith, Martha.
Grimké, Angelina Emily (1805-1879).
Grimké, Sarah Moore (1792-1873).
Hale, John P. (1806-1873).
Hallowell, Edward N. (d. 1871).
Hallowell, Joshua L.
Hallowell, Morris L. (1809-1881).
Hallowell, Norwood Penrose.
Hallowell, Richard P.
Harcourt, William Vernon (1789-1871).
Harris, Edward.
Harrison, William Henry (1773-1841).
Hartshorn, O. N.
Haskell, Andrew L.
Hathaway, Joseph C.
Haviland, Laura S. (1808-1898).
Hayne, Robert Y. (1791-1839).
Hayne, Robert Y. (1791-1839).
Henshaw, Josiah (1791-1871).
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth (1823-1911).
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth (1823-1911).
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth (1823-1911).
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth (1823-1911).
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth (1823-1911).
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth (1823-1911).
Hills, William Henry.
Himes, Joshua V. (1805-1895).
Himes, Joshua V. (1805-1895).
Holley, Myron (1779-1841).
Holley, Sallie (1818-1893).
Holley, Sallie (1818-1893).
Holley, Sallie (1818-1893).
Holley, Sallie (1818-1893).
Holmes, Oliver Wendell (1809-1894).
Holt, Joseph (1807-1894).
Holyoake, George Jacob (b. 1817).
Hopkins, Mark (1802-1887).
Hopper, Isaac Tatem (1771-1852).
Hopper, John.
Hopper, Rosalie DeWolf.
Houston, Sam (1793-1863).
Hovey, Charles Fox (1807-1859).
Howe, Julia Ward (1819-1910).
Howe, Samuel Gridley (1801-1876).
Howe, Samuel Gridley (1801-1876).
Howitt, Mary (1799-1888).
Howitt, William (1792-1879).
Howland, Joseph A. (1821-1889).
Hughes, Thomas (b. 1832).
Hugo, Victor (1802-1885).
Hunt, Harriot K. (1805-1875).
Hunter, David (1802-1886).
Hutchinson family.
Hutchinson, Abby (1829-1892).
Included is an unidentified nephew of Hutchinson.
Hutchinson, Abby [Flint].
Hutchinson, Asa.
Hutchinson, James, Jr.
Hutchinson, Jesse (d. 1853).
Hutchinson, John W.
Jackson, Andrew (1767-1845).
Jackson, Andrew (1767-1845).
Jackson, Edmund (1795-1875).
Jackson, Francis (1789-1861).
Jackson, Francis (1789-1861).
Jackson, James Caleb (1811-1895).
Jackson, Mary H.
Jackson, Mary H.
Jackson, Phoebe (1807-1887).
James, John Angell.
James, William.
Jay, John (1745-1829).
Jay, John (1817-1894).
Jay, William (1789-1858).
Jocelyn, Simeon S. (1799-1879).
Johnson, Andrew (1808-1875).
Johnson, Andrew (1808-1875).
Johnson, Ellis N.
Johnson, Mary Ann White (1808-1872).
Johnson, Oliver (1809-1889).
Johnson, Oliver (1809-1889).
Johnson, Oliver (1809-1889).
Johnson, Oliver (1809-1889).
Johnson, Oliver (1809-1889).
Johnson, Oliver (1809-1889).
Johnson, Reverdy (1796-1876).
Johnson, Samuel (1822-1882).
Jones, Benjamin S. (1812-1862).
Jones, Benjamin S. (1812-1862).
Jones, Jane Elizabeth (1813-1896).
Jones, Jane Elizabeth (1813-1896).
Joy, Charlotte A. (b. 1815).
Joy, David (b. 1801).
Julian, George W. (1817-1899).
Julian, George W. (1817-1899).
Keep, John (1781-1870).
Kemble, Frances Anne (1809-1893).
Kemp, Agnes.
Kenyon, Isaac (1816-1908).
Kimber, Abby (1804-1871).
Kimber, Abby (1804-1871).
King, Thomas Starr (1824-1864).
Knapp, Isaac (1804-1843).
Knapp, Isaac (1804-1843).
Kossuth, Lajos (1802-1894).
Kossuth, Lajos (1802-1894).
Kossuth, Lajos (1802-1894).
Lawrence, Abbott (1792-1855).
Leavitt, Joshua (1794-1873).
Lee, Robert E. (1807-1870).
Lee, Robert E. (1807-1870).
Leggett, William (1801-1839).
Lesley, J. Peter (1819-1903).
Lewis, Sidney Ann (1795-1882).
Lincoln, Abraham (1809-1865).
Lincoln, Abraham (1809-1865).
Lincoln, Abraham (1809-1865).
Lincoln, Abraham (1809-1865).
Lincoln, Abraham (1809-1865).
Lincoln, Abraham (1809-1865).
Lincoln, Increase Sumner.
Little, Sophia L. (b. 1799).
Livermore, Mary A. (1820-1905).
Loring, Ellis Gray (1803-1858).
Loud, Betsey Whiting.
L'Ouverture, Toussaint.
Lovejoy, Owen (1811-1864).
Lovejoy, Owen (1811-1864).
Lowell, Charles Russell.
Lowell, James Jackson.
Lowell, James Russell (1819-1891).
Lundy, Benjamin (1789-1839).
Lundy, Benjamin (1789-1839).
Lundy, Benjamin (1789-1839).
Lundy, Benjamin (1789-1839).
Lundy, Benjamin (1789-1839), gravestone of.
Lupton, Joseph (1816-1894).
Lyman, Huntington.
Lyman, Huntington.
[Lyman, Huntington].
McCarthy, Justin (b. 1830).
McClintock, Thomas.
McFadden, Albert.
McKim, James Miller (1810-1874).
McKim, James Miller (1810-1874).
McKim, Sarah A.
Mack, David.
Macy, Elizabeth G.
Macy, Peter.
Madison, James (1751-1836).
Mallary, Rollin C. (1784-1831).
Manning, Jacob M. (1824-1882).
Marshall, Emily.
Marston, Russell (1816-1907).
Marston, Russell (1816-1907).
Marston, Sarah Crosby (1824-1893).
Martin, J. Sella (1832-1876).
Martineau, Harriet (1802-1876).
Martineau, Robert F. (1831-1909).
Mason, James M. (1798-1871).
Mawson, Elizabeth.
Mawson, John (d. 1867).
Mawson, John (d. 1867).
May, Mary Goddard (1787-1882).
May, Samuel (1776-1870).
May, Samuel, Jr. (1810-1899).
May, Samuel J. (1797-1871).
May, Samuel J. (1797-1871).
May, Samuel J. (1797-1871).
May, Samuel J. (1797-1871).
May, Sarah Russell.
Mazzini, Giuseppe (1805-1872).
Mendenhall, Dinah.
Mendenhall, Isaac.
Miller, Charles Dudley (1818-1896).
Miller, Elizabeth Smith (1822-1911).
Mitchell, Stephen M. (1743-1835).
Montgomery, James (1771-1854).
Moody, Loring.
Morgan, Edwin D. (1811-1883).
Mott, James (1788-1868).
Mott, James (1788-1868).
Mott, James (1788-1868).
Mott, Lucretia Coffin (1793-1880).
Mott, Lucretia Coffin (1793-1880).
Mott, Lucretia Coffin (1793-1880).
Mott, Lucretia Coffin (1793-1880).
Mott, Lucretia Coffin (1793-1880).
Mott, Lucretia Coffin (1793-1880).
Mott, Lydia.
Murray, Orson S. (1806-1885).
Neall, Elizabeth (1819-1907).
Neall, Elizabeth (1819-1907).
Nell, William C. (1816-1874).
Newman, Francis W. (b. 1805).
Nichol, Elizabeth Pease (1807-1897).
Nichol, John Pringle (1804-1859).
Nott, Eliphalet (1773-1866).
Nowell, Sarah J.
O'Connell, Daniel (1745-1833).
Opie, Amelia (1769-1853).
Otis, [Mrs. Edmund].
Otis, Harrison Gray (1765-1848).
Otis, Harrison Gray (1765-1848).
Otis, Lucinda.
Palfrey, John Gorham (1796-1881).
Palmer, Maria Waring.
Parker, Theodore (1810-1860).
Parker, Theodore (1810-1860).
Parker, Theodore (1810-1860).
Paton, Andrew (1805-1884).
Patton, Abby Hutchinson (1829-1892).
Paul, Thomas (d. 1831).
Pease, Elizabeth (1807-1897).
Pease, Joseph (1772-1846).
Pennock, Abraham L. (1786-1868).
Perkins, Jonas A.
Perry, Charles.
Phelps, Amos A. (1805-1847).
Philbrick, Samuel (1789-1859).
Phillips, Ann Terry Greene (1813-1886).
Phillips, Wendell (1811-1884).
Phillips, Wendell (1811-1884).
Phillips, Wendell (1811-1884).
Phillips, Wendell (1811-1884).
Phillips, Wendell (1811-1884).
Phillips, Wendell (1811-1884).
Phillips, Wendell (1811-1884), birthplace of.
Phillips, Wendell (1811-1884), home of.
Phillips, Wendell (1811-1884), home of.
Pickering, Timothy (1745-1829).
Pierce, Edward L. (1829-1897).
Pierce, Franklin (1804-1869).
Pierce, John Tappan.
Pierpont, John (1785-1866).
Pillsbury, Parker (1809-1898).
Pillsbury, Parker (1809-1898).
Pillsbury, Parker (1809-1898).
Pillsbury, Parker (1809-1898).
Pinkney, William (1764-1822).
Pitman, Harriet Minot (1815-1888).
Pitman, Harriet Minot (1815-1888).
Plumer, Richard.
Polk, James K. (1795-1849).
Porter, Samuel F.
Potter, Thomas Bayley.
Powell, Aaron Macy (b. 1832).
Powell, Aaron Macy (b. 1832).
Powell, Anna Rice.
Included is an unidentified infant.
Powell, Elizabeth M.
Included is an unidentified infant.
Prang, Louis (1824-1909).
Prang, Louis (1824-1909).
Prentice, George Denison (1802-1870).
Prentice, John. [Massachusetts.]
Prentice, John. [Rhode Island.]
Pugh, Sarah (1800-1884).
Pugh, Sarah (1800-1884).
Pugh, Sarah (1800-1884).
Purvis, Robert (1810-1898).
Purvis, Robert (1810-1898).
Purvis, Robert (1810-1898).
Putnam, Caroline F.
Putnam, George (1807-1878).
Putnam, William Lowell.
Quincy, Edmund (1808-1877).
Randolph, John (1773-1833).
Rankin, John (1793-1886).
Redpath, James (1833-1891).
Remond, Charles Lenox (1810-1873).
Remond, Sarah Parker (1826-1894).
Richards, Elias (1802-1887).
Richards, Elizabeth Hunt (1804-1892).
Richards, Henry.
Ricketson, Daniel (1813-1898).
Ripley, George (1802-1880).
Ritchie, Uriah (1800-1865).
Robbins, Frances M. (b. 1796).
Robbins, James M.
Robinson, Marius R. (1806-1878).
Robinson, Rowland T.
Robson, William.
Rogers, Nathaniel Peabody (1794-1846).
Rose, Ernestine L. (1810-1892).
Rose, Ernestine L. (1810-1892).
Rose, Ernestine L. (1810-1892).
Sanborn, Franklin Benjamin (1831-1917).
Sargent, Henrietta (1785-1871).
Sargent, John Turner (1808-1877).
Severance, Caroline M.
Severance, Theodoric C.
Sewall, Samuel Edmund (1799-1888).
Seward, William Henry (1801-1872).
Shaw, Francis George (1809-1882).
Shaw, Francis George (1809-1882).
Shaw, Robert Gould (1837-1863).
Shaw, Robert Gould (1837-1863).
Shaw, Sarah Blake (b. 1815).
Sherman, John (1823-1900).
Simpson, Joseph.
[Slavery]: "Gang of Slaves Journeying to be Sold in a Southern Market."
Engraving.Slidell, John (1793-1871).
Sloane, James Renwick Wilson (1823-1886).
Smeal, [Margaret].
Smeal, William.
Smeal, William.
Included are members of the Smeal family.
Smith, Elias (1815-1887).
Smith, Gerrit (1797-1874).
Smith, Gerrit (1797-1874).
Smith, Joshua B. (1813-1879).
Southwick, Abby (1819-1904).
Southwick, Joseph (1791-1866).
Southwick, Thankful (1792-1867).
Spooner, Bourne (1790-1870).
Spooner, Hannah Bartlett.
Spooner, Zilpha Harlow.
Spring, Gardiner (1785-1873).
Stafford, Eliza Carr.
Stafford, John Stevens.
Stanton, Edwin M. (1814-1869).
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady (1815-1902).
Included is an unidentified child.
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady (1815-1902).
Stearns, George Luther (1809-1867).
Stebbins, Giles B.
Stedman, Jesse.
Stedman, Jesse.
Steinthal, S. Alfred (1826-1910).
Stephens, Alexander Hamilton (1812-1883).
Sterling, John M. (b. 1800).
Still, William (1821-1902).
Stone, Lucy (1818-1893).
Stone, Lucy (1818-1893).
Stone, Lucy (1818-1893).
Stone, Lucy (1818-1893).
Storrs, Henry R.
Storrs, Richard S.
Story, Joseph (1779-1845).
Story, Joseph (1779-1845).
Stowe, Calvin E. (1802-1886).
Stowe, Harriet Beecher (1811-1896).
Streeter, Sereno W.
Stuart, James.
Sturge, Joseph (1793-1859).
Sturge, Joseph (1793-1859).
Sturge, Joseph (1793-1859).
Sumner, Charles (1811-1874).
Sumner, Charles (1811-1874).
Sumner, Charles (1811-1874).
Sumner, Charles (1811-1874).
Sumner, Charles (1811-1874).
Sumner, Charles (1811-1874).
Sunderland, La Roy (1802-1885).
Sutherland, Harriet, Duchess of (1806-1868).
Included is her daughter Elizabeth Georgiana (1824-1878), Duchess of Argyll, as a child.
Sutliff, Milton.
Taney, Roger B. (1777-1864).
Tappan, Arthur (1786-1865).
Tappan, Arthur (1786-1865).
Tappan, John (1781-1871).
Tappan, Lewis (1788-1873).
Tappan, Lewis (1788-1873).
Taylor, Edward T. (1793-1871).
Taylor, Emily Winslow.
Taylor, Emily Winslow.
There is no Photo #81.639 in this collection.
Thompson, George (1804-1878).
Thompson, George (1804-1878).
Thompson, George (1804-1878).
Thompson, George (1804-1878).
Thompson, George (1804-1878).
Thurston, David (1779-1865).
Tourgueneff, Nicholas (1789-1871).
Townsend, Milo A.
Trumbull, Lyman (1813-1896).
Truth, Sojourner (1799-1883).
Tubman, Harriet (1822-1913).
Tubman, Harriet (1822-1913).
Tubman, Harriet (1822-1913).
Tyler, John (1790-1862).
Van Buren, Martin (1782-1862).
Van Buren, Martin (1782-1862).
Villard, Henry (1835-1900).
Villard, Henry (1835-1900).
Vincent, Henry (1813-1878).
Wade, Benjamin Franklin (1800-1878).
Waldo, George.
Waldo, Giles.
Walker, Amasa.
Wallcut, Mary Ann.
Wallcut, Robert Folger (1797-1884).
Wallcut, Robert Folger (1797-1884).
Ware, Henry, Jr. (1794-1843).
Warren, John Collins (1778-1856).
Washington, Bushrod (1762-1829).
Wayland, Francis (1796-1865).
Webb, Alfred (b. 1834).
Webb, Richard D. (1805-1872).
Webb, Richard D. (1805-1872).
Webb, Richard D. (1805-1872).
Webb, Richard D. (1805-1872).
Webster, Daniel (1782-1852).
Webster, Daniel (1782-1852).
Weld, Angelina Grimké (1805-1879).
Weld, Angelina Grimké (1805-1879).
Weld, Theodore Dwight (1803-1895).
Weld, Theodore Dwight (1803-1895).
Weld, Theodore Dwight (1803-1895).
Weld, Theodore Dwight (1803-1895).
Weld, Theodore Dwight (1803-1895).
Included is an unidentified grandson of Weld.
Wesley, John (1703-1791).
Weston, Deborah.
Wharton, Deborah.
Whipple, Charles K. (1808-1900).
Whipple, George.
Whiting, Nathaniel H. (1808-1889).
Whitson, Thomas (1796-1864).
Whittier, Elizabeth (1815-1864).
Whittier, Elizabeth (1815-1864).
Whittier, John Greenleaf (1807-1892).
Whittier, John Greenleaf (1807-1892).
Whittier, John Greenleaf (1807-1892).
Whittier, John Greenleaf (1807-1892).
Whittier, John Greenleaf (1807-1892).
Whittier, John Greenleaf (1807-1892).
Whittier, John Greenleaf (1807-1892).
Whittier, John Greenleaf (1807-1892).
Wicksteed, Charles.
Wicksteed, Charles.
Wigham, Eliza.
Wilkinson, Charlotte May.
Williamson, Passmore.
Wilmot, David (1814-1868).
Wilson, Henry (1812-1875).
Wilson, Henry (1812-1875).
Winslow, Harriet (1819-1889) [Mrs. Samuel E. Sewall].
Winslow, Isaac (b. 1787).
Winthrop, Robert C. (1809-1894).
Winthrop, Robert C. (1809-1894).
Wise, Henry A. (1806-1876).
Woodbury, Levi (1789-1851).
Wright, Elizur (1804-1885).
Wright, Elizur (1804-1885).
Wright, Elizur (1804-1885).
Wright, Frances (1795-1852).
Wright, Henry C. (1797-1870).
Wright, Henry C. (1797-1870).
Wright, Henry C. (1797-1870).
Wright, Henry C. (1797-1870).
Wright, Henry C. (1797-1870).
Included are other unidentified individuals.
Wright, Henry C. (1797-1870).
Included is an unidentified child.
Wright, Henry C. (1797-1870).
Wright, Martha C. (1806-1875).
Wyman, Emma Willard.
Wyman, John C.
Yerrinton, James Brown (1800-1866).
Yerrinton, James M. Winchell (b. 1825).
Yerrinton, James M. Winchell (b. 1825).
Yerrinton, [Susan Elizabeth Mayhew].
Subject Index
This index is reproduced from "A Catalogue of Portraits of American Abolitionists and of Their Allies and Opponents in the United States and in Great Britain and Ireland, 1831-1865," by Francis Jackson Garrison (located in Box 1). Most, but not all, of the men and women listed below are represented in this photograph collection. For images, follow the links provided in the alphabetical Name Index above.
The categories were created by Francis Jackson Garrison. Many individuals are included in more than one category.
Pioneers of Freedom |
George Bourne William Lloyd Garrison Isaac Knapp Benjamin Lundy John Rankin |
Founders of the New England Anti-Slavery Society |
Benjamin C. Bacon (no portrait available) Arnold Buffum Joshua Coffin William Lloyd Garrison Oliver Johnson Isaac Knapp |
Early Adherents: David Lee Child Ellis Gray Loring Samuel Edmund Sewall |
Founders of the American Anti-Slavery Society |
George William Benson George Bourne Arnold Buffum Joshua Coffin Bartholomew Fussell William Lloyd Garrison William Goodell Beriah Green William Green, Jr. Simeon S. Jocelyn James Miller McKim Samuel Joseph May James Mott Lucretia Mott Orson S. Murray Amos A. Phelps John Prentice (R.I.) Robert Purvis Joseph Southwick John M. Sterling Milton Sutliff Lewis Tappan David Thurston Thomas Whitson John Greenleaf Whittier Isaac Winslow Elizur Wright |
Women Pioneers |
Maria Weston Chapman Lydia Maria Child Abby Kelley Foster Angelina E. Grimke Sarah M. Grimke Lucretia Mott |
Anti-Slavery Editors |
Gamaliel Bailey, Jr. James G. Birney William Lloyd Garrison William Goodell Horace Greeley Oliver Johnson Benjamin S. Jones Joshua Leavitt Elijah P. Lovejoy (no portrait available) Marius R. Robinson Nathaniel P. Rogers John G. Whittier Elizur Wright |
Anti-Slavery Field Agents and Lecturers |
Susan B. Anthony William Wells Brown Arnold Buffum James N. Buffum Charles C. Burleigh John A. Collins Anna E. Dickinson Frederick Douglass Andrew T. Foss Abby Kelley Foster Stephen S. Foster William Lloyd Garrison Angelina E. Grimke Thomas Wentworth Higginson Sallie Holley Joseph A. Howland James C. Jackson Samuel May, Jr. Samuel J. May Loring Moody Wendell Phillips Parker Pillsbury Aaron M. Powell Edmund Quincy Charles Lenox Remond Marius R. Robinson Nathaniel P. Rogers George Thompson Theodore D. Weld Nathaniel H. Whiting Henry C. Wright |
Anti-Slavery Preachers |
Adin Ballou Henry Ward Beecher William Henry Channing James Freeman Clarke Moncure D. Conway Charles G. Finney William H. Fish Charles Follen Octavius B. Frothingham William H. Furness Beriah Green Thomas Wentworth Higginson Samuel Johnson Samuel May, Jr. Samuel J. May Theodore Parker Amos A. Phelps John Pierpont J. R. W. Sloane |
Anti-Slavery Poets |
William H. Burleigh William Lloyd Garrison James Russell Lowell John Pierpont John G. Whittier |
Anti-Slavery Lawyers |
John A. Andrew David Paul Brown Richard H. Dana, Jr. (no portrait available) Samuel Fessenden John P. Hale John Jay William Jay Ellis Gray Loring Samuel E. Sewall |
Garrisonian Abolitionists |
William Adams James M. Aldrich Susan B. Anthony Anna Austin Isaac Austin Eliza Barney Nathaniel Barney Austin Bearse Olive Crosby Bearse Simon Bernard Antoinette L. Brown William Wells Brown Charles C. Burleigh Cyrus M. Burleigh Margaret Jones Burleigh (no portrait available) Joseph Carpenter Elizabeth B. Chace William Chace William M. Chace Maria Weston Chapman Benjamin Chase David Lee Child Lydia Maria Child Jefferson Church Jehiel Claflin Alexander Clark Emmeline Coates Lindley Coates Joshua Coffin John A. Collins Samuel E. Coues Hannah Cox John Cox Prudence Crandall Chandler Darlington Hannah Darlington Edward M. Davis Maria M. Davis Paulina Wright Davis Thomas Davis Joshua G. Dodge Ebenezer Dole (no portrait available) A. M. Donaldson Thomas Donaldson Ebenezer D. Draper Mrs. Ebenezer D. Draper Amos Farnsworth Eliza Lee Follen Andrew T. Foss Bartholomew Fussell Frances D. Gage Anna Gardner Oliver C. Gardner Thomas Garrett Elizabeth Neall Gay Sydney Howard Gay Abigail H. Gibbons James S. Gibbons Mary Grew Joseph C. Hathaway Josiah Henshaw Sallie Holley Isaac T. Hopper John Hopper Rosalie Hopper Charles F. Hovey Joseph A. Howland John W. Hutchinson Edmund Jackson Francis Jackson Mary H. Jackson Phoebe Jackson Mary Ann W. Johnson Oliver Johnson Samuel Johnson Benjamin S. Jones J. Elizabeth Jones Charlotte A. Joy David Joy Agnes Kemp Isaac Kenyon Abby Kimber Isaac Knapp Sidney Ann Lewis Sophia L. Little Benjamin Lundy Thomas McClintock Albert McFadden J. Miller McKim Sarah A. McKim Elizabeth G. Macy Peter Macy Russell Marston Sarah Crosby Marston Mary Goddard May Samuel May, Jr. Samuel J. May Sarah Russell May Dinah Mendenhall Isaac Mendenhall Loring Moody James Mott Lucretia Mott Orson S. Murray William C. Nell Mrs. Edmund Otis Samuel Philbrick Ann Phillips Wendell Phillips Harriet Minot Pitman Richard Plumer Amy Post (no portrait available) Isaac Post (no portrait available) Aaron M. Powell John Prentice (Mass.) John Prentice (R.I.) Sarah Pugh Robert Purvis Edmund Quincy Charles Lenox Remond Sarah Parker Remond Elias Richards Elizabeth Hunt Richards Daniel Ricketson Uriah Ritchie Frances M. Robbins James M. Robbins Rowland T. Robinson Nathaniel P. Rogers Henrietta Sargent John T. Sargent Caroline M. Severance Harriet Winslow Sewall Sarah B. Shaw Elias Smith Joseph Southwick Thankful Southwick Bourne Spooner Hannah Bartlett Spooner Eliza Carr Stafford John Stevens Stafford Giles B. Stebbins Jesse Stedman William Still Milo A. Townsend Mary Ann Wallcut Robert F. Wallcut Deborah Weston Charles K. Whipple Thomas Whitson Charlotte May Wilkinson Isaac Winslow James B. Yerrinton J. M. W. Yerrinton |
Liberty Party |
James G. Birney James C. Jackson Joshua Leavitt Abraham L. Pennock John Pierpont Samuel E. Sewall John G. Whittier Elizur Wright |
Whig, Free Soil, and Republican Parties |
Charles Francis Adams Charles Gordon Ames John A. Andrew Nathaniel P. Banks Montgomery Blair George N. Briggs Salmon P. Chase Cassius M. Clay Thomas Corwin George William Curtis William Pitt Fessenden John M. Forbes John C. Fremont Seth M. Gates Joshua R. Giddings Horace Greeley John P. Hale Samuel G. Howe John Jay George W. Julian Abraham Lincoln Edwin D. Morgan John G. Palfrey James M. Robbins William H. Seward John Sherman Charles Sumner Lyman Trumbull Benjamin F. Wade David Wilmot Henry Wilson |
Signers of the Declaration of Sentiments at Philadelphia, 6 Dec. 1833 |
George W. Benson George Bourne Arnold Buffum Joshua Coffin Bartholomew Fussell William Lloyd Garrison William Goodell Beriah Green William Green, Jr. Simeon S. Jocelyn James Miller McKim Samuel J. May James Mott Lucretia Mott Orson S. Murray Amos A. Phelps John Prentice Robert Purvis Joseph Southwick John M. Sterling Milton Sutliff Lewis Tappan David Thurston Thomas Whitson John G. Whittier Isaac Winslow Elizur Wright |
British and Foreign Abolitionists |
Richard Allen William H. Ashurst (no portrait available) Jacob Bright John Bright Lord Brougham James Bryce Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton (no portrait available) Mary Carpenter Philip P. Carpenter L. A. Chamerouzow Frederick W. Chesson Helen P. B. Clark William S. Clark Thomas Clarkson (no portrait available) Joseph Cooper William Crosfield Mrs. William Crosfield John Bishop Estlin Mary A. Estlin William J. Fox William Henry Hills Mary Howitt William Howitt Victor Hugo John Angell James William James Joseph Lupton Zachary Macaulay (no portrait available) Harriet Martineau R. F. Martineau Elizabeth Mawson John Mawson Joseph [Giuseppe] Mazzini James Montgomery Elizabeth Pease Nichol John Pringle Nichol Daniel O'Connell Maria Waring Palmer Andrew Paton Joseph Pease Mary A. Rawson (no portrait available) William Robson Margaret Smeal William Smeal S. Alfred Steinthal Joseph Sturge Duchess of Sutherland George Thompson Nicholas Tourgueneff Henry Vincent Alfred Webb Richard D. Webb Charles Wicksteed Eliza Wigham William Wilberforce (no portrait available) |
British and Foreign Sympathizers with the North, 1861-1865 |
Arthur Albright Duke of Argyll (no portrait available) Thomas H. Barker Louis Borchardt Richard Cobden Augustin Cochin (no portrait available) Joseph Cowen, Jr. Sir William Vernon Harcourt Thomas Hughes Edouard Laboulaye (no portrait available) Sir Wilfrid Lawson (no portrait available) Justin McCarthy Francis W. Newman Thomas Bayley Potter Joseph Simpson |
American Delegates to the World's Anti-Slavery Convention, London, 1840 |
William Adams James G. Birney George Bradburn William Lloyd Garrison Henry Grew Mary Grew Abby Kimber James Mott Lucretia Mott Elizabeth Neall Ann Phillips Wendell Phillips Sarah Pugh Charles Lenox Remond Nathaniel Peabody Rogers Emily Winslow Isaac Winslow |
Women's Rights Leaders |
Susan B. Anthony Amelia Bloomer Antoinette L. Brown Caroline H. Dall Frances D. Gage Julia Ward Howe Mary A. Livermore Lucretia Mott Ernestine L. Rose Elizabeth Cady Stanton Lucy Stone Frances Wright |
Students Seceding from Lane Seminary, 1834 |
James M. Allen William T. Allen Amos Dresser Amasa C. Frissell Huntington Lyman John Tappan Pierce Samuel F. Porter Marius R. Robinson Sereno W. Streeter George Waldo Giles Waldo Theodore D. Weld George Whipple |
Champions of Freedom in Congress |
John Quincy Adams Joshua R. Giddings John P. Hale George W. Julian Owen Lovejoy Gerrit Smith Charles Sumner Benjamin F. Wade Henry Wilson |
Southern Converts |
James G. Birney Cassius M. Clay Moncure D. Conway Martha Griffith Angelina E. Grimke Sarah M. Grimke |
Fugitive Slaves |
William Wells Brown Ellen Craft Frederick Douglass Harriet Tubman |
Northern Pro-Slavery Men and Colonizationists |
Charles G. Atherton Leonard Bacon Lyman Beecher James Gordon Bennett George W. Blagden James Buchanan Matthew Carey Lewis Cass Benjamin R. Curtis Caleb Cushing Stephen A. Douglas Edward Everett Ezra Stiles Gannett Mark Hopkins Theodore Lyman (no portrait available) Rollin C. Mallary James M. Mason Eliphalet Nott Harrison Gray Otis Jonas Perkins Franklin Pierce George Putnam John Slidell Gardiner Spring Joseph Story Martin Van Buren Francis Wayland Daniel Webster Robert C. Winthrop Levi Woodbury |
Southern Pro-Slavery Men |
David R. Atchison Thomas H. Benton Robert J. Breckinridge William G. Brownlow John C. Calhoun Henry Clay Howell Cobb John J. Crittenden Jefferson Davis William B. Giles Robert Y. Hayne Sam Houston Andrew Jackson Andrew Johnson Robert E. Lee James K. Polk George D. Prentice John Randolph Alexander H. Stephens (no portrait available) Roger B. Taney John Tyler Bushrod Washington Henry A. Wise |
Early American Statesmen |
John Adams John Quincy Adams Benjamin Franklin John Jay James Madison Timothy Pickering William Pinkney |
Miscellaneous |
Gen. Robert Anderson (no portrait available) Stephen Pearl Andrews Henry Anthony Daniel F. Appleton Catharine E. Beecher Baron Bexley (no portrait available) Fanny Blanchard George A. Blanchard Gould Brown Dr. John Brown Capt. Nicholas Brown William Cullen Bryant Aaron Burr (no portrait available) Elihu Burritt Josephine E. Butler Lady Byron Thomas Chalmers William Ellery Channing John J. Dargan Neal Dow James T. Fields Elizabeth Fry William E. Gladstone Joseph Holt George J. Holyoake Gen. David Hunter Sir Harcourt Johnstone (no portrait available) Frances Anne Kemble Louis Kossuth Lafayette (no portrait available) William Leggett Toussaint L'Ouverture Jacob M. Manning Emily Marshall Father Mathew (no portrait available) Tobias H. Miller (no portrait available) Stephen M. Mitchell Amelia Opie Henry Richards Lord John Russell (no portrait available) Edwin M. Stanton Richard S. Storrs James Stuart Duke of Sussex (no portrait available) John Tappan Father Taylor Henry Villard Henry Ware, Jr. Dr. John C. Warren John Wesley Charles Wicksteed |
Massachusetts Abolitionists |
Boston: A. Bronson Alcott Benjamin C. Bacon (no portrait available) Henry Ingersoll Bowditch William Wells Brown Maria Weston Chapman David Lee Child Lydia Maria Child James Freeman Clarke John A. Collins Caroline H. Dall Joshua G. Dodge William Endicott, Jr. Helen Eliza Garrison (no portrait available) William Lloyd Garrison Andrew L. Haskell Joshua V. Himes Julia Ward Howe Samuel G. Howe Isaac Knapp J. Sella Martin Mary Goddard May Samuel May Loring Moody William C. Nell Sarah J. Nowell Mrs. Edmund Otis Theodore Parker Amos A. Phelps Ann Phillips Wendell Phillips Louis Prang James Redpath George Ripley Uriah Ritchie Henrietta Sargent John T. Sargent Samuel E. Sewall Elias Smith Joshua B. Smith LaRoy Sunderland Mary Ann Wallcut Robert F. Wallcut Charles K. Whipple Elizur Wright Henry C. Wright John C. Wyman James B. Yerrinton J. M. W. Yerrinton |
Amesbury: John G. Whittier |
Brookline: Samuel Philbrick John T. Pierce |
Cambridge: James Russell Lowell Maria W. Lowell (no portrait available) |
Centerville: Austin Bearse Olive Crosby Bearse Russell Marston Sarah C. Marston |
Concord: Lidian J. Emerson (no portrait available) Ralph Waldo Emerson Franklin B. Sanborn |
Cummington: Hiram Brown Charles C. Burleigh Eliza Carr Stafford John Stevens Stafford |
Dedham: Edmund Quincy |
Fall River: James M. Aldrich Nathaniel B. Borden |
Groton: Amos Farnsworth |
Haverhill: Harriet Minot Pitman |
Hopedale: Adin Ballou Ebenezer D. Draper Mrs. Ebenezer D. Draper |
Leicester: Samuel May, Jr. |
Lexington: Charles Follen Eliza Lee Follen |
Lynn: James N. Buffum John W. Hutchinson |
Marshfield: Nathaniel H. Whiting |
Medford: Richard P. Hallowell George L. Stearns |
Nantucket: Anna Austin Isaac Austin Eliza Barney Nathaniel Barney George Bradburn Eben Coleman Anna Gardner Oliver C. Gardner Charlotte A. Joy David Joy Elizabeth G. Macy Peter Macy |
New Bedford: Daniel Ricketson |
Newbury: Joshua Coffin |
Newburyport: Richard Plumer |
North Brookfield: Amasa Walker |
Milton: Edward L. Pierce Frances M. Robbins James M. Robbins |
Plymouth: Bourne Spooner Hannah Bartlett Spooner Zilpha Harlow Spooner |
Roxbury: C. M. Severance T. C. Severance |
Salem: Samuel Johnson Charles Lenox Remond Sarah Parker Remond |
Springfield: Jefferson Church |
Worcester: John Milton Earle Abby Kelley Foster Stephen S. Foster Thomas Wentworth Higginson Joseph A. Howland |
West Brookfield: Josiah Henshaw Lucy Stone |
Weymouth: Elias Richards Elizabeth H. Richards Deborah Weston |
Maine Abolitionists |
James Appleton O. B. Cheney Ebenezer Dole (no portrait available) Samuel Fessenden Emily Winslow Taylor David Thurston Isaac Winslow |
New Hampshire Abolitionists |
Benjamin Chase Jehiel Claflin Samuel E. Coues Andrew T. Foss Abby Hutchinson James Hutchinson Parker Pillsbury Nathaniel P. Rogers |
Vermont Abolitionists |
Abby Hutchinson James Hutchinson Orson S. Murray Rowland T. Robinson Jesse Stedman |
Connecticut Abolitionists |
George Benson William H. Burleigh Prudence Crandall Andrew Jackson Davis Simeon S. Jocelyn Samuel J. May |
Rhode Island Abolitionists |
William Adams George William Benson Moses Brown Arnold Buffum Elizabeth Buffum Chace William Chace William M. Chace George L. Clarke Paulina Wright Davis Thomas Davis Edward Harris Phoebe Jackson Isaac Kenyon Sophia L. Little John Prentice |
New York Abolitionists |
John Brown Joseph Carpenter George William Curtis Frederick Douglass Amasa Frissell Octavius B. Frothingham Elizabeth N. Gay Sydney H. Gay Abigail H. Gibbons James S. Gibbons William Goodell Beriah Green William Green, Jr. Joseph C. Hathaway Myron Holley Isaac T. Hopper John Hopper Rosalie Hopper James C. Jackson John Jay William Jay Mary Ann W. Johnson Oliver Johnson Joshua Leavitt Huntington Lyman Thomas McClintock Samuel J. May Charles D. Miller Elizabeth S. Miller Amy Post (no portrait available) Isaac Post (no portrait available) Aaron M. Powell Anna R. Powell Elizabeth M. Powell Ernestine L. Rose Francis G. Shaw Robert Gould Shaw Sarah B. Shaw Gerrit Smith Giles B. Stebbins Henry R. Storrs Arthur Tappan Lewis Tappan Theodore Tilton (no portrait available) Charlotte May Wilkinson Martha C. Wright |
Pennsylvania Abolitionists |
Benjamin C. Bacon (no portrait available) Simon Bernard David Paul Brown Cyrus M. Burleigh Margaret J. Burleigh (no portrait available) Alexander Clark Edwin H. Coates Emmeline Coates Lindley Coates Robert Collyer Chandler Darlington Hannah Darlington Edward M. Davis Maria M. Davis Anna E. Dickinson Mary Earle Thomas Earle William Elder William H. Furness Bartholomew Fussell Thomas Garrett (Del.) Henry Grew Mary Grew Edward N. Hallowell Joshua L. Hallowell Morris L. Hallowell Norwood P. Hallowell Agnes Kemp Abby Kimber J. Peter Lesley Sidney Ann Lewis James Miller McKim Sarah A. McKim Dinah Mendenhall Isaac Mendenhall James Mott Lucretia Mott Abraham L. Pennock Sarah Pugh Robert Purvis J. R. W. Sloane William Still Milo A. Townsend Harold Wetherill (no portrait available) Deborah Wharton Passmore Williamson |
Western Abolitionists |
James M. Allen William T. Allen Charles Gordon Ames Samuel Brooke A. M. Donaldson Thomas Donaldson William G. Eliot Charles G. Finney Joshua R. Giddings L. Maria Giddings O. N. Hartshorn Laura S. Haviland Ellis N. Johnson Benjamin S. Jones J. Elizabeth Jones George W. Julian John Keep Elijah P. Lovejoy (no portrait available) Owen Lovejoy Albert McFadden John Rankin Marius R. Robinson John M. Sterling Calvin E. Stowe Harriet Beecher Stowe Milton Sutliff Theodore D. Weld |
"Friends" or Quakers |
Anna Austin (Nantucket, Mass.) Isaac Austin (Nantucket, Mass.) Eliza Barney (Nantucket, Mass.) Nathaniel Barney (Nantucket, Mass.) Simon Bernard (Penn.) Jacob Bright (Rochdale, England) John Bright (Rochdale, England) Moses Brown (Providence, R.I.) Arnold Buffum (Providence, R.I.) Joseph Carpenter (N.Y.) Elizabeth Buffum Chace (R.I.) William Chace (R.I.) Emmeline Coates (Penn.) Lindley Coates (Penn.) Joseph Cooper (England) Hannah Cox (Longwood, Penn.) John Cox (Longwood, Penn.) Chandler Darlington (Penn.) Hannah Darlington (Penn.) Edward M. Davis (Penn.) Maria Mott Davis (Penn.) A. M. Donaldson (Ind.) Thomas Donaldson (Ind.) Mary Earle (Philadelphia, Penn.) Elizabeth Fry (England) Bartholomew Fussell (Penn.) Thomas Garrett (Wilmington, Del.) Elizabeth Neall Gay Abigail Hopper Gibbons (N.Y.) James Sloan Gibbons (N.Y.) Angelina Grimke Sarah Grimke Morris L. Hallowell Isaac T. Hopper (N.Y.) Sarah McKim Dinah Mendenhall (Penn.) Isaac Mendenhall (Penn.) James Mott (Penn.) Lucretia Mott (Penn.) Elizabeth Pease Nichol Joseph Pease Amy Post (Rochester, N.Y.) (no portrait available) Isaac Post (Rochester, N.Y.) (no portrait available) Aaron M. Powell (N.Y.) Elizabeth M. Powell (N.Y.) Harriet Winslow Sewall Joseph Simpson (England) Margaret Smeal (Glasgow, Scotland) William Smeal (Glasgow, Scotland) Joseph Southwick (Boston, Mass.) Thankful Southwick (Boston, Mass.) Joseph Sturge (England) Richard D. Webb (Dublin, Ireland) Deborah Wharton Thomas Whitson (Penn.) Elizabeth Whittier John G. Whittier Eliza Wigham (Edinburgh, Scotland) Passmore Williamson (Penn.) Isaac Winslow (Portland, Me.) |
Preferred Citation
Portraits of American abolitionists, Photo. Coll. 81, Massachusetts Historical Society Photo Archives.
Access Terms
This collection is indexed under the following headings in ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog using these headings.